Letra de la cancion "Unaffected"

Interpretada por "Hoobastank"

letra Unaffected en español


Ahi nunca parece ser
Por que yo lo creo
Un momento que no estoy intentando demostrar quien soy

Por que no pueden entender
Las cosas que estan negando ? ( estan negando)

Entonces que debo hacer ?
Solo ponerme a tu lado
Como si no me afectara
Y quien debo ser ?
Cuando estan jusgandome
Como si no me afectara

Una chanse que nunca darian
Que quiero volver a vivir
La vida que yo hice
No hay nada que probar

Mi corazon siempre fue verdadero
¿Que le tienen miedo de ? (miedo de)

Entonces que debo hacer ?
Solo ponerme a tu lado
Como si no me afectara
Y quien debo ser ?
Cuando estan jusgandome
Como si no me afectara

Antes de que vean mi cara,
Ellos sabian que no era el mismo..
Y decidi que no era lo ideal
Para ti [x2]

Entonces que debo hacer ?
(No soy afectado)
Y quien debo ser ?
(No soy afectado)

Entonces que debo hacer ?
Solo ponerme a tu lado
Como si no me afectara
Y quien debo ser ?
Cuando estan jusgandome
Como si no me afectara
(No afectado ) [x4]


Letra Original

There never seems to be
Because what I believe
A moment I'm not trying
To show them who I am

Why can't they understand
The things that they're denying? (they're denying)

So what should I do
Just lay next to you
As though I'm unaffected
And who should I be
When they're judging me
As though I'm unaffected

A chance they'd never give
To ever want to live
The life that I am made of
There's nothing left to prove

My heart's forever true
What is it they're afraid of
(Afraid of)

So what should I do
Just lay next to you
As though I'm unaffected
And who should I be
When they're judging me
As though I'm unaffected

Before they even see my face
They knew that I was not the same

And decided I was not the one for you [x2]
So what should I do
(I'm not unaffected)
And who should I be
(I'm not unaffected)

So what should I do
Just lay next to you
As though I'm unaffected
And who should I be
When they're judging me
As though I'm unaffected
Unaffected, unaffected
Unaffected, unaffected

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