Letra de la cancion "Cold as you"

Interpretada por "Taylor Swift"

letra Cold as you en español


Tienes una manera de llegar facil a mi
y cuando tomas,tomas lo mejor de mi

asi que empiezo a pelear porque necesito sentir algo
y tu haces lo que quieres porque no soy lo que querias

ooh que verguenza, que final lluvioso para un dia perfecto
solo vete, no intentes usar palabras de defensa que nunca diras
nunca he estado en algun lugar mas frio que tu..

levanteste paredes y las pintaste de gris
y me pare alli amandote y desee que desaparecieran
y luego te saliste de ello con una gran historia
de un desastre de un soñador con el valor de adorarte

ooh que verguenza, que final lluvioso para un dia perfecto
solo vete, no intentes usar palabras de defensa que nunca diras
nunca he estado en algun lugar mas frio que tu..

Nunca te importo ni un poco pero llore... llore por ti
y se que no le hubieras dicho a nadie si moria,
moria por ti, moria por ti

ooh que verguenza, que final lluvioso para un dia perfecto
solo vete, no intentes usar palabras de defensa que nunca diras
nunca he estado en algun lugar mas frio que tu..

Cold as you

Letra Original

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Artist: Swift Taylor
Song: Cold as You
Album: Taylor Swift
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You have a way of coming easily to me.
And when you take, you take the very best of me.
So I start a fight 'cause I need to feel somethin'
And you do what you want 'cause I'm not what you wanted.

Oh, what a shame.
What a rainy ending given to a perfect day.
Just walk away, no use defending words that you will never say.
And now that I'm sittin' here thinkin' it through, I've never been anywhere cold as you.

You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray.
And I stood there lovin' you and WISHED them all away.
And you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you.

Oh, what a shame.
What a rainy ending given to a perfect day.
So just walk away, no use defending words that you will never say.
And now that I'm sittin' here thinkin' it through, I've never been anywhere cold as you.

You never did give a damn thing, honey.
But I cried, cried for you.
And I know you wouldn't have told nobody if I died, died for you.
(Died for you)

Oh, what a shame.
What a rainy ending give to a perfect day. Every smile you fake is so condescending.
Counted all the scars you made.
Now that I'm sittin here thinkin' it through, I've never been anywhere cold as you.

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