Letra de la cancion "Another heart calls"

Interpretada por "The All American Rejects"

letra Another heart calls en español


Recuerdas cuando no nos importaba
Eramos simplemente dos niños que tomaron el momento cuando estaba allí
Te acuerdas de todo?
Otro corazón llama.

Sí, recuerdo cuando robamos la noche
Nos acostamos despiertos pero soñando hasta que el sol lavara el cielo.

Tan pronto te ví
Pero no pude, no pude decirte
Lo profundo que te necesito
Quieres dejarlo todo.

Qué puedo hacer?
Dí que es verdad
O todo que importa se rompa en dos
Dí que es verdad
Nunca preguntaré por nadie, sólo por ti.

Habla conmigo
Me estoy desperdiciando enfrente de tí
Este puede ser el último error
Que haría
Sí, todo lo que haré es darte tiempo para que veas mi punto de vista.

Tan pronto te ví
Pero no pude, no pude decirte
Lo profundo que te necesito
Quieres dejarlo todo.

Qué puedo hacer?
Dí que es verdad
O todo que importa se rompa en dos
Dí que es verdad
Nunca preguntaré por nadie, sólo por ti.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Na, na, na, na, na, na

Lo siento
Y qué?
Pero no piensas que hice suficiente
Lo siento
No me importa
Nunca estuviste allí.

Tan pronto te ví
Pero no pude, no pude decirte
Lo profundo que te necesito
Quieres dejarlo todo.

Qué puedo hacer?
Dí que es verdad
O todo que importa se rompa en dos
Dí que es verdad
Nunca preguntaré por nadie, sólo por ti.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Nunca preguntaré por nadie, sólo por ti.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Another heart calls

Letra Original

Do you remember when we didn't care
We were just two kids that took the moment when it was there
Do you remember you at all
Another heart calls

Yeah I remember when we stole the night
We'd lie awake but dreaming 'til the sun would wash the sky

Just as soon as I see you
But didn't I, but didn't I tell you
As deep as I need you,
You wanna leave it all

What can I do?
Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you

Talk to me
I'm throwing myself in front of you
This could be the last mistake
That I would ever wanna do
Yeah all I ever do is give it's time you see my point of view

Just as soon as I see you
But didn't I, but didn't I tell you
As deep as I need you,
You wanna leave it all

What can I do?
Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
But I know what you want is to figure it out
And God knows I do too
What can I do?
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Na, na, na, na, na, na

I'm sorry
So what?
But you don't think I've said enough
I'm sorry
I don't care
You were never there

As soon as I see you
But didn't I, but didn't I tell you
As deep as I need you
You wanna leave it all

What can I do?
Say it's true
Or everything that matters breaks in two
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
But I know what you want is to figure it out
And God knows I do too
What can I do?
Say it's true
I'll never ask for anyone but you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I'll never ask for anyone but you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
[to fade]

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