Letra de la cancion "Knights of the round"

Interpretada por "A Skylit Drive"

letra Knights of the round en español


Respira, sólo respira. ¿Qué estás esperando?
Las incisiones obligan correr a la sangre. Estamos obligados a creer, No lo ves? Estás siendo derrocado por ...
Nosotros somos los caballeros, tu pesadilla arriva. No pienso que tu sepas lo que ha venido por ti? Siga las luces, se está quemando tan brillante. No pienso que tu sepas lo que ha venido por ti? Yeah, tu.
Respira, respira, no caminara a traves de la puerta?
Centrarse en todos sus instintos, que lo trae más profundo sobre el significado de lo que nos hemos convertido. Muestra tu corazón de piedra.
Nosotros somos los caballeros, tu pesadilla arriva. No pienso que tu sepas lo que ha venido por ti? Siga las luces, se está quemando tan brillante. No pienso que tu sepas lo que ha venido por ti?
Nos remiten perdido en tus ojos. Te quemas tan brillante, brillante. (2)

Knights of the round

Letra Original

Breathe, just breathe. What are you waiting for?
Incisions forced blood runs. We're forced to believe it, dont you see it? You're being overthrown by...
We are the knights, you're nightmare arrives. I dont think you know what has come for you? Follow the lights, they're burning so bright. I dont think you know what has come for you? Yeah you.
Breathe, just breathe, won't you walk through the door?
Focus on all your instincts, It brings you deeper to the meaning of what we've become. Show your heart of stone.
We are the knights, you're nightmare arrives. I dont think you know, I dont think you know what has come for you? Follow the lights, they're burning so bright. I dont think you know, I dont think you know what has come for you?
We subside lost in your eyes. You burn so bright, bright. (2)

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