Letra de la cancion "Manannan"

Interpretada por "Absu"

letra Manannan en español

[Lyrical magick/Obscurity: Proscriptor & Equitant, Musick: Proscriptor & Shaftiel]

I am a wave: on the rapt Cythraul
I am a flood: across the croggy plain
I am a wind: of seven gates
I am a tear: the Sun lets fall

I am
Mac Lir
Noble warrior of lycanthropy
I am
High King
To shake thy cloak shall bring outbreak

I am a tide: that drags to engulfment
I am a current: a compass towards Visnech
I am a tempest: the onslaught of outburst
I am a zephyr: theirs is second pain

I am
Mac Lir
Avatar from sail to sea
Thy horse
Grand Steed
Chariots forever lead

I am an ocean womb: of all abysms
I am a blaze: for every burning bathym
I am a lure: of the plumbless benthos
I am a breaker: bottomlessness doom

I am
Mac Lir
Shape-changer; lar of Deep
Thy Sword
"The Answerer..."

Remember me thou art all wind
And back with gusts thou shalt return.

I'm the hawk: above this cliff, behind the waves
I'm the thorn: exude this rose, yet fleece the sky
...fleece the sky
I'm the hill: where poets walk and Tara lies
I'm the throne: from a tantalizing glimpse
...from a tantalizing glimpse.

I'm the hawk: above this cliff, behind the waves
I'm the thorn: exude this rose, yet fleece the sky
...fleece the sky
I'm the hill: where poets walk and Tara lies
I'm the throne: from a tantalizing glimpse
...from a tantalizing glimpse.

Hear the thunder roll
I am
And fear the sky shall fall!

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