Letra de la cancion "Hate to feel"

Interpretada por "Alice In Chains"

letra Hate to feel en español


Que ha ido mal, no puedo ver con claridad
Ha sido tan largo, tan lleno de odio

Joder, cuánto tardará esto
Verme sumergido en mi velatorio
Otro peludo D.A.
Ahora un perro, sacude mi pierna
Hombre de plástico, cara de papel
Dulce corazón, qué desperdicio
He de cambiar, pon una fecha
Cómete mi pastel, lame mi plato

Mírame fijamente con vacíos ojos y
Apunta tus palabras hacia mí
El espejo en la pared te mostrará
Lo que temes ver

Puedo ver, yeah - (Desearía no ver en absoluto)
Puedo sentir - (Desearía no poder sentir)
Odio ver - (Desearía no ver en absoluto)
Odio sentir - (Desearía no poder sentir)

Escala los muros
Aclara mi sangre ahora
Y nado, ahora de vuelta a la cama

Que demonios, tengo que descansar
Punzante dolor en mi pecho
Afortunado de mí, ahora estoy listo

Pequeño bicho para un animal doméstico
Nueva Orleans, tengo que llegar
Me pincho la suave medicina
Solía ser curioso
Ahora la mierda es alimento

Todo este tiempo, juré que nunca
Sería como antes
Que coño es tiempo de afrontar
exactamente lo que soy

Hate to feel

Letra Original

What's gone wrong, i can't see straight
been too long, so full of hate
what the fuck will it take
drown myself in my wake
another shaggy d.a.
now a dog, shake my leg
plastic man, paper face
candy heart, what a waste
gotta change, set a date
eat my cake, lick my plate
stare at me with empty eyes and
point your words at me
mirror on the wall will show you
what you're scared to see
i can see, yeah - (wish i couldn't see at all)
i can feel - (wish i couldn't feel at all)
hate to see - (wish i couldn't see at all)
hate to feel - (wish i couldn't feel at all)
so climb walls,
thin my blood now
and i crawl, back to bed now
what the hell, gotta rest
aching pain in my chest
lucky me, now i'm set
little bug for a pet
new orleans, gotta get
pin cushion medicine
used to be curious
now the shit's sustenance
all this time i swore i'd never
be like my old man
what the hey it's time to face
exactly what i am
i can see, yeah - (wish i couldn't see at all)
i can feel - (wish i couldn't feel at all)
hate to see - (wish i couldn't see at all)
hate to feel - (wish i couldn't feel at all)
what the hell, gotta rest
aching pain in my chest
lucky me, now i'm set
little bug for a pet
new orleans, gotta get
pin cushion medicine
used to be curious
now the shit's sustenance
all this time i swore i'd never
be like my old man
what the hey it's time to face
exactly who i am
i can see, yeah - (wish i couldn't see at all)
i can feel - (wish i couldn't feel at all)
hate to see - (wish i couldn't see at all)
hate to feel - wish i couldn't feel at all

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