Letra de la cancion "If you were there, beware"

Interpretada por "Arctic Monkeys"

letra If you were there, beware en español


Si estuviste ahi, ten cuidado
De los entrometidos
Trescientos cincuenta, sin agradecimientos y nadie se estremece
Vamos nena sigue, danos algo espantoso
Necesitamos de tu pena, el matón ayuda a los ladrones
Mientras tratan de robar las palabras de su boca
Y destruír a los inocentes

Si estuviste ahi, ten cuidado
De los entrometidos
¿No puedes darte cuenta de que ella nunca sirvió
Para llenar hojas de periódico?
¿No has tenido suficiente?lo que intentas desenterrar
No está ahí para ser excavado, los ladrones ayudan a los matones
Mientras tratan de destruír lo bueno en ella

Hasta en el punto en el que obedecerá

¿Por qué? déjala en paz
Si hubiera sabido entonces no lo hubiera dicho
No lo hubiera dicho si hubiera sabido
¿Por qué? déjala en paz
Si predijera lágrimas entonces no lo hubiera dicho
No lo hubiera dicho si hubiera sabido

Hay un círculo de brujas, ambiciosas y viciosas están
Nuestros intentos de hacer que recobren la razón no servirán
No sé qué es lo que quieren
No sé qué es lo que quieren
Pero no lo tengo
Ella no lo tiene

If you were there, beware

Letra Original

If you were there, beware
The serpent soul pinchers
Three hundred and fifty no thank yous and nobody flinches
Go on girl go on, give us something gruesome
We require your grief, the thugs help the thieves
As they're trying to rob the words from her gob and
Take the source of the innocents

If you were there, beware
The serpent soul pinchers
Can't you sense she was never meant
To fill column inches
And you've had enough, what you're trying to dig up
Isn't there to be dug, the thieves help the thugs
As they're trying beat the good grace of a sweetheart

Out to the point she'll comply

Why leave her on her own
If I'd have known then I wouldn't have said it
I wouldn't have said it if I would have known
Why leave her on her own
If I predicted tears then I wouldn't have said it
I wouldn't have said it if I would have known

There's a circle of witches, ambitiously vicious they are
Our attempts to remind them of reason won't get us that far
I don't know what it is that they want
I don't know what it is that they want
But I haven't got it to give
She hasn't got it to give

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Arctic Monkeys
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