Letra de la cancion "Unwind the chainsaw"

Interpretada por "Avenged Sevenfold"

letra Unwind the chainsaw en español


Esto no va a romper tu corazón
Pero yo creo q si
Porque no he intentado ser tan duro como debo
Para separarte
De todo lo que hago
Pero yo nunca querría uno se interponga entre nosotros dos...

Guardo los recuerdos que
Tú no te sentirás mal por mí
Voy a decir las cosas que tú has dicho
A veces con uno me recuerda

Guardo los recuerdos que
Tú no te sentirás mal por mí
Voy a decir las cosas que tú has dicho
A veces con uno me recuerda

Ahora estoy pensando en volver,
A lo que dije antes
Espero que tu corazón no tenga que oír nunca más
Porque no es realmente tan triste desde aquí
Porque los momentos que pude sentirte cerca
Se mantienen cerca de mí querida.
Y si alguna vez se vuelven a borrar

Guardo los recuerdos que
Tú no te sentirás mal por mí
Voy a decir las cosas que tú has dicho
A veces con uno me recuerda

Guardo los recuerdos que
Tú no te sentirás mal por mí
Voy a decir las cosas que tú has dicho
A veces con uno me recuerda

Ahora te has ido
No mucho tiempo, déjalo está bien!
Pero te has ido lejos
Ahora te has ido
Más lejos que ayer
Pero nunca me dejes,
Parece que mi mente se pone en su lugar

Guardo los recuerdos que
Tú no te sentirás mal por mí
Voy a decir las cosas que tú has dicho
A veces con una me recuerda.

Unwind the chainsaw

Letra Original

This won’t break your heart.
But I just think it could,
Cause I haven't tried as hard as I should.
To separate you,
From everything I do.
But I would never want a come between us two...

I keep your memories which,
You won't feel bad about me.
I'll say the things that you said,
Sometimes a with reminds me.

I keep your memories which,
You won't feel bad about me.
I'll say the things that you said,
Sometimes a with reminds me.

Now I'm thinking back,
To what I said before.
I hope your heart won't have to heard anymore.
Cause it's really not that sad, from here,
Because the moments I can feel you near.
They keep you close to me my dear.
And if they ever become to clear.

I keep your memories which,
You won't feel bad about me.
I'll say the things that you said,
Sometimes a with reminds me.

I keep your memories which,
You won't feel bad about me.
I'll say the things that you said,
Sometimes a with reminds me.

Now you're gone away,
Don't long, leave it's okay!
But you're gone away.
Now you're gone away,
Farther than yesterday.
But you never leave me,
Seems my mind replace.

I keep your memories which,
You won't feel bad about me.
I'll say the things that you said,
Sometimes a with reminds me.
I keep your memories which,
You won't feel bad about me.
I'll say the things that you said,
Sometimes a with reminds me.

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Avenged Sevenfold
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