Letra de la cancion "Don't tell me"

Interpretada por "Avril Lavigne"

letra Don't tell me en español

Me agarraste de la mano y me llevaste a casa,
lo sé, mientras me dabas ese beso,
deseabas algo,
de esta forma, me hizo irme (volverme loca, enfadarme).
Limpiaste mis lágrimas, me libraste de todos mis miedos,
¿por qué tuviste que irte?
Supongo que no fue suficiente
comprometer un poco de mi amor (take up).
Es tan difícil confiar en los tíos.
¿No te dije que yo no era como esa chica,
la que lo regala todo? (give away)
¿Creiste que iba a rendirme a ti? (a dártelo a ti: give up)
-esta vez-
¿Creiste que era algo que iba a hacer?
-y (luego) llorar-
No intentes decirme lo que tengo que hacer,
no intentes decirme lo que debo decir,
mejor que te alejes de ese camino.
No pienses que tu encanto y el hecho de que tu brazo
esté rodeando mi cuello,
te meterá en mis pantalones, o tendré que patearte el ***
y hacer que nunca lo olvides.
Voy a pedirte que pares, aunque me gustas mucho,
pero estoy realmente molesta -realmente molesta-.
Fuera de mi cabeza, sal de mi cama,
sí, eso es lo que dije.
¿No te dije que yo no era como esa chica,
la que despedicia todo?
¿Creiste que iba a rendirme a ti?
-esta vez-
¿Creiste que era algo que iba a hacer?
-y (luego) llorar-
No intentes decirme lo que tengo que hacer,
no intentes decirme lo que debo decir,
mejor que te alejes de ese camino.
Este "hacerme sentir mal" que me has puesto (guilt trip)
no me hará un lío.
No he hecho nada malo,
cualquier idea sobre un "tú y yo", se ha largado.
¿Creiste que iba a rendirme a ti?
-esta vez-
¿Creiste que era algo que iba a hacer?
-y (luego) llorar-
No intentes decirme lo que tengo que hacer,
no intentes decirme lo que debo decir,
mejor que te alejes de ese camino
-mejor lejos de ese camino-.
De cualquier forma, estoy mejor sola.
Avril Lavigne - Don't tell me - Mo me digas

Don't tell me

Letra Original
You held my hand and walked me home
I know, while you gave me that kiss
You wish something
Like this it made me go, oh, oh
You wiped my tears got rid of all my fears
Why did you have to go?
Guess it wasn't enough
To take up some of my love
Guys are so hard to trust
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl
The one who gives it all away
Did you think that I was going to give it up to you?
-This time-
Did you think that it was something I was going to do?
-and cry-
Don't try to tell me what to do
Don't try to tell me what to say
You'd better off that way
Don't think that your charm and the fact that your arm
Is now around my neck
Will get you in my pants or I've to kick your ***
And make you never forget
I'm going to ask you to stop thought I like you a lot
But I'm really upset -really upset-
Get out of my head, get off of my bed
Yeah, that's what I said
Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl
The one who throws it all away?
Did you think that I was going to give it up to you?
-This time-
Did you think that it was something I was going to do
-and cry-
Don't try to tell me what to do
Don't try to tell me what to say
You'd better off that way
This guilt trip that you put me on
Won't mess me up
I've done no wrong
Any thoughts of you and me have gone away
Did you think that I was going to give it up to you?
-This time-
Did you think that it was something I was going to do
-and cry-
Don't try to tell me what to do
Don't try to tell me what to say
You'd better off that way
-Better off that way-
I'm better off alone anyway
Avril Lavigne - Don't tell me

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Avril Lavigne
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