Letra de la cancion "The distance"

Interpretada por "Bon Jovi"

letra The distance en español


Hay un tren, allá, en la distancia,
De destino todavía desconocido;
Lejano, donde nadie está esperando,
Tan lejos de casa, tan lejos de casa;
Hay una rosa, fuera, en tu ventana,
Están cayendo las primeras nieves;
Como ese lejano silbido flotando en el aire,
Me pongo en camino, me pongo en camino.
Cierra los ojos y mira mis cielos azules
Atravesando las negras nubes;
Tú eres la luz,
En mi mente veo tu vestido rojo y tus brazos buscando a través de la noche;
Nunca me daré por vencido,
Atravesaré la distancia.
Hay un hilo que transcurre a nuestro lado,
Abriéndose camino en nuestra enorme separación;
Está ahí sólo para los que creen,
Nunca dejes de creer, nunca dejes de creer.
Cierra los ojos…
La nuestra es una historia interminable
Que empieza en ti y en mí,
Como la rosa, fuera, en tu ventana,
No la dejes morir, no la dejes morir.
Cierra los ojos…

The distance

Letra Original

There's a train out in the distance, destination still unknown
Far away where no one's waiting, so far from home, so far from home
There's a rose outside your window, the first snow is falling down
Like that lonesome whistle blowing
I keep on going, keep on going...
Close your eyes and see my blue skies breaking through these dark clouds
You are the light
In my mind I see your red dress and your arms are reaching through the night
I'll never give up the fight
I'll go the distance
There's a thread that runs between us pulling 'cross this great divide
It's only there for the believers
Don't stop believing, don't stop believing
Close your eyes and see my blue skies breaking through these dark clouds
You are the light
In my mind I see your red dress and your arms are reaching through the night
I'll never give up the fight
I'll go the distance, I'll go the distance
There's a neverending story that begins with you and i
Like the rose outside your window
Don't let it die, don't let it die
Close your eyes and see my blue skies breaking through these dark clouds
You are the light
In my mind I see your red dress and your arms are reaching through the night
Close your eyes and see my blue skies breaking through these dark clouds
You are the light
In my mind I see your red dress and my arms are reaching through the night
I'll never give up the fight
I'll go the distance

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