Letra de la cancion "Wild is the wind"

Interpretada por "Bon Jovi"

letra Wild is the wind en español


He intentado hacerte feliz
Sabes que he intentado ser
Lo que tu esperabas de mi
Te di lo que querías
Dios no podría darte lo que necesitas
Querías mas de mi
De lo que podía dar
Querías alma y corazón
Pero no sabías que, nena
Salvaje es el viento
Que me aleja de ti
Fría es la noche sin tu amor
Para acompañarme
Salvaje, salvaje es el viento
Que sopla en mi corazón
Salvaje es el viento
Salvaje es el viento
Has de entender
Que salvaje es el viento
Necesitas alguien que te abrace
Alguien que este allí día y noche
Alguien que haga desaparecer tus miedos
Yo solo lo fingí
Muy débil, muy orgulloso, muy difícil de decir
Que no podría ser ese

Wild is the wind

Letra Original

I tried to make you happy
You know I tried so hard to be
What you hoped that I would be
I gave you what wanted
God couldn't give you what you need
You wanted more from me
Than I could ever be
You wanted heart and soul
But you didn't know, baby

Wild, wild is the wind
That takes me away from you
Cold is the night without your love
To see me through
Wild, wild is the wind
That blows through my heart
Wild is the wind,
Wild is the wind
You got to understand, baby
Wild is the wind

You need someone to hold you
Somebody to be there night and day
Someone to kiss your fears away
I just went on pretending
Too weak, too proud, too tough to say
I couldn't be the one
To make your dreams come true
That's why I had to run
Though I needed you, baby

Wild, wild is the wind
That takes me away from you
Cold is the night without your love
To see me through, baby
Wild, wild is the wind
That blows through my heart tonight
That tears us apart
Wild is the wind,
Wild is the wind
You got to understand, baby
Wild is the wind


Maybe a better man
Would live and die for you
Baby, a better man would
Never say good-bye to you, babe

Wild, wild is the wind
That takes me away from you
Cold is the night without your love
To see me through, baby
Wild, wild is the wind
That blows through my heart tonight
That tears us apart

Wild is the wind,
Wild is the wind
You got to understand, baby
Wild is the wind

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