Letra de la cancion "Up against the wall"

Interpretada por "Boys Like Girls"

letra Up against the wall en español


asi que no sigas
solo dejalo
el clima ha mejorado
no dejes que cambie

fracaso, rechaso
este podria ser mi ultimo adios
atraviesas tu corazon, espero morir

y no puedo rechazar tus ojos
sabes que trate de leer entre lineas
vi una señal de peligro
y luego me tiraste contra la pared
quien dijo que era mejor haber amado y perdido?
desearia nunca haber amado

todas las noches que perdi sentado esperandote
todas las noches que espere en el telefono cuando te fuiste sola
y todas tus distintas caras ymodos diferentes hacian todo
y todo lo que dijo es que los distintos lugares y todas las confusiones
nos llevaron a esto

y no puedo rechazar tus ojos
sabes que trate de leer entre lineas
vi una señal de peligro
y luego me tiraste contra la pared
quien dijo que era mejor haber amado y perdido?
desearia nunca haber amado
y no puedo rechazar tus ojos
sabes que trate de leer entre lineas
vi una señal de peligro
y luego me tiraste contra la pared
quien dijo que era mejor haber amado y perdido?
desearia nunca haber amado
(nunca haber amado)

Up against the wall

Letra Original

It's over
Look out below
And I'm wasted
I still taste it
Yeah it's so hard to let go
So breathe in now
And breathe it out
The forecast
A car crash
It's looking like another...

Breakdown, rebound
This could be my last goodbye
You cross your heart, I hope to die

And I can't deny your eyes
You know I try to read between the lines
I saw a warning sign
And then you threw me up against the wall
Who said that it's better to have loved and lost?
I wish that I had never loved at all

No rewinds
No second times
And I won't break
I won't waste, everything you left behind
So don't follow
Just let it go
The weather's, been better
Don't let it be another...

Breakdown, rebound
This could be my last goodbye
You cross your heart, I hope to die

And I can't deny your eyes
You know I try to read between the lines
I saw a warning sign
And then you threw me up against the wall
Who said that it's better to have loved and lost?
I wish that I had never loved at all

All the nights you spent sitting nowhere out there on your own
All the nights I waited by the phone when you were going in alone
And all your different faces and all your different ways are making everything a mess
And all I'm saying is that all your different places and all the complications led to this

And I can't deny your eyes
You know I try to read between the lines
I saw a warning sign
And then you threw me up against the wall
Who said that it's better to have loved and lost?
I wish that I had never loved
And I can't deny your eyes
You know I try to read between the lines
I saw a warning sign
And then you threw me up against the wall
Who said that it's better to have loved and lost?
I wish that I had never loved at all
(Never loved at all)

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