Letra de la cancion "Radio nowhere"

Interpretada por "Bruce Springsteen"

letra Radio nowhere en español


Estaba intentando encontrar el camino a casa
Pero todo lo que encontré fue un zumbido
Sonando desde un satélite
Aplastando la última noche solitaria americana
Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?
Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?

Estaba dando vueltas alrededor de un dial muerto
Tan sólo otro número perdido en un archivo
Bailando por un agujero negro
Sólo buscando un mundo con algo de alma

Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?
Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?
¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?

Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo
Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo
Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo
Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo

Quiero un millar de guitarras
Quiero baterías saltando
Quiero un millón de voces diferentes hablando lenguas desconocidas

Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?
Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?
¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?

Estaba conduciendo por la neblina lluviosa
Buscando un tren misterioso
Trotando por el salvaje azul
Intentando conectar contigo

Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?
Esto es radio ninguna parte, ¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?
¿Hay alguien vivo ahí fuera?

Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo
Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo
Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo
Sólo quiero oír algo de ritmo

Radio nowhere

Letra Original

I was tryin' to find my way home
But all I heard was a drone
Bouncing off a satellite
Crushin' the last lone American night
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?

I was spinnin' 'round a dead dial
Just another lost number in a file
Dancin' down a dark hole
Just searchin' for a world with some soul

This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
Is there anybody alive out there?

I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm

I want a thousand guitars
I want pounding drums
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues

This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
Is there anybody alive out there?

I was driving through the misty rain
Searchin' for a mystery train
Boppin' through the wild blue
Tryin' to make a connection to you

This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
Is there anybody alive out there?

I just want to feel some rhythm

I was tryin' to find my way home
But all I heard was a drone
Bouncing off a satellite
Crushin' the last lone American night
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?

I was spinnin' 'round a dead dial
Just another lost number in a file
Dancin' down a dark hole
Just searchin' for a world with some soul

This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
Is there anybody alive out there?

I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm
I just want to hear some rhythm

I want a thousand guitars
I want pounding drums
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues

This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
Is there anybody alive out there?

I was driving through the misty rain
Searchin' for a mystery train
Boppin' through the wild blue
Tryin' to make a connection to you

This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
This is radio nowhere, is there anybody alive out there?
Is there anybody alive out there?

I just want to feel some rhythm
I just want to feel some rhythm
I just want to feel some rhythm
I just want to feel some rhythm

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Bruce Springsteen
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