Letra de la cancion "Last name"

Interpretada por "Carrie Underwood"

letra Last name en español


Anoche,me sirvieron demasiado veneno cariño
Anoche, hice cosas de las que no estoy orgullosa
Y me volvi un poco loca
Anoche, conoci a un chico en la pista de baile y deje que me llamara"cariño"

Y nisiquiera se su apellido
Mi mama estaria tan avergonzada
Empezo con " hey hermosa de donde eres"
Y luego se dio la vuelta y oh .. no.. que he hecho
Y nisiquiera se su apellido

Salimos, del club," a eso de las 3 de la mañana"
Su pito, sentado alli, en el estacionamiento, bueno debio
Haber sido advertido
Y no tenia idea de que estaba pasando
Asi que, le hechare la culpa al cuervo

Y nisiquiera se su apellido
Mi mama estaria tan avergonzada
Empezo con " hey hermosa de donde eres"
Y luego se dio la vuelta y oh .. no.. que he hecho
Y nisiquiera se su apellido

Aqui vamos

Hoy,desperte,pensando en elvis en algun lugar en las vegas
No se ni como llegue alli
O como este anillo en mi mano izquierda aparecio asi de la nada
Deberia ir tomar el pinto y descubrirlo
Dijeron lo que paso aqui,queda aqui,y todo esto desaparece

Habia solo un pequeño problema

Y nisiquiera me acuerdo de que paso anoche
Mi mama estaria tan avergonzada
Empezo con " hey hermosa de donde eres"
Y luego se dio la vuelta y oh .. no.. que he hecho
Y nisiquiera se su apellido

Que hice!
Que hice!
Que hice!

Oh, que hice!
Nisiquiera se su apellido

Bien se convirtio en,oh no que hehecho
Nisiquiera se su apellido

Last name

Letra Original

Last night, I got served a little too much of that poison baby
Last night, I did things I'm not proud of
And I got a little crazy
Last night, I met a guy on the dance floor and I let him call me baby

And I don't even know his last name
My momma would be so ashamed
It started of, hey cutie where you from
And then it turned into oh no, what have I done
And I don't even know his last name

We left, the club, 'bout around 3 o'clock in the morning
His pinto, sitting there, in the parking lot, well it should
Have been a warning
I had no clue what I was getting into
So, I'll blame it on the cuervo

And I don't even know his last name
My momma would be so ashamed
It started of, hey cutie where you from
And then it turned into oh no, what have I done
And I don't even know his last name

Here we go

Today, I woke up, thinking about elvis somewhere in vegas
I'm not sure how I got here
Or how this ring on my left hand just appeared outta nowhere
I gotta go take the chips and the pinto and hit the road
They say what happens here, stays here, all of this will disappear

There's just one little problem

I don't even know my last night
My momma would be so ashamed
It started of, hey cutie where you from
And then it turned into oh no, what have I done
And I don't even know my last name

What have I done
What have I done
What have I done

Oh, what have I done
I don't even know my last name

Well it turned into, oh no what have I done
And I don't even know my last name
Yea, yeah, yeah

It started off hey cutie where you from
And then it turned into, oh no what have I done
And I don't even know my last name
Oh, yeah

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Carrie Underwood
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