Letra de la cancion "Modern wolf hair"

Interpretada por "Chiodos"

letra Modern wolf hair en español


Gritas mi nombre
Pero, voy a venir?
Deberia correr?
Deberia creer en ti?

Perdi todo este tiempo, tratando de estar a tu lado.
Los lobos están saliendo esta noche, pero, escucharon tu llanto
Y nadie va a creer ahora,
No hay lugar para esconderse,
Y ahora los lobos por lo que lloraste te comeran viva.

Es sólo que en el campo,
Están mostrando los dientes detrás tuyo
Están echando espuma por la boca mientras están esperando para atacar.
Aullando en tus oidos, te rodearon
Te huelen
Se alimentan de tu grito.

Perdi todo este tiempo, tratando de estar a tu lado.
Los lobos están saliendo esta noche, pero, escucharon tu llanto
Y nadie va a creer ahora,
No hay lugar para esconderse,
Y ahora los lobos por lo que lloraste te comeran viva.

Acabo de notar que quieres
Para preocuparte por la gente.
Eres patético.
Limpia la sonrisa de tu pu*a cara
Esto no es cosa de risa.

Bajo la luna,
Marcan tus llantos
Con sus aullidos esta noche
Vas a ser mas rapida para perdelos?
O te agarraran?
Cuando corres por tu vida
No hay manera de ocultar tu miedo.

Corre por tu vida.
Tú eres la víctima, eres el cebo,
Tú eres la víctima, eres el cebo.

Perdi todo este tiempo, tratando de estar a tu lado.
Los lobos están saliendo esta noche, pero, escucharon tu llanto

Nadie va a creerte
No hay lugar para esconderse,
Los lobos estan viniendo esta noche para comerte viva.

Modern wolf hair

Letra Original

You yell my name,
But will I be coming?
Should I be running?
Should I believe in you?

I've wasted all this time, trying to stand by your side.
The wolves are coming out tonight, but they have heard your cry.
And no one will believe you now,
There's no place to hide,
And now the wolves that you have cried will eat you alive.

It's just you out in the field,
They're showing their teeth behind your back,
They're foaming at the mouth while they're waiting to attack.
Howling in your ears as they surround you,
They smell you,
They feed off of your cry.

I've wasted all this time, trying to stand by your side.
The wolves are coming out tonight, but they have heard your cry.
And no one will believe you now,
There's no place to hide,
And now the wolves that you have cried will eat you alive.

I just noticed that you want,
To have worried the people.
You're pathetic.
Wipe that smile off your fucking face,
This is no laughing matter.

Under the moon,
They mark your cry,
With their howling at night,
Will you be faster to lose them?
Or will they catch you?
When you run for your life,
There's no way to hide your fear.

Run for your life.
You are the victim, you are the bait,
You are the victim, you are the bait.

I've wasted all this time, trying to stand by your side.
Wolves are coming out, they have heard your cry.

No one will believe you,
No place to hide,
Wolves are coming out tonight to eat you alive.

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