Letra de la cancion "The leader"

Interpretada por "Chris De Burgh"

letra The leader en español


I looked to the North, and I turned to the West,
For a sign, a light in the sky,
Oh the message is clear, that the time is near,
For a leader to come again;

A circle of stones on the head of a hill,
Tonight is where it will be,
In this desolate place, we all stand and wait,
For a leader to come again, yes a leader will come again,

For it is written, that a leader will be here,
And then a vision, left me blinded by the light,
And it started right in front of my eyes...

The leader

Letra Original

I looked to the North, and I turned to the West,
For a sign, a light in the sky,
Oh the message is clear, that the time is near,
For a leader to come again;

A circle of stones on the head of a hill,
Tonight is where it will be,
In this desolate place, we all stand and wait,
For a leader to come again, yes a leader will come again,

For it is written, that a leader will be here,
And then a vision, left me blinded by the light,
And it started right in front of my eyes...

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Chris De Burgh
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