Letra de la cancion "The power of peace"

Interpretada por "Chris De Burgh"

letra The power of peace en español


How many soldiers of war
Wonder what they've been fighting for
When will all conflicts cease
Not 'till we know the Power of Peace
(Chris de Burgh)

How many children must die
Not understanding how or why
Too many bombs each day
Innocent victims pay
(Oleta Adams)

All people know our world needs CARE
Let nations unite and learn to share
Join with each other, help conflicts cease
Then we will know the Power of Peace
(Enrique Iglesias/Peabo Bryson)

Refugees run from fear
Clutching the ones they hold so dear
Trying to ease their pain
We cannot let them down again
(Gerald Levert/Aretha Franklin/Kenny Rogers)

When will all conflicts cease
Not 'till we know The Power of Peace
(Kenny Rogers)

All people know our world needs CARE
Let nations unite and learn to share
So join with each other, help conflicts cease
Then we will know the Power of Peace
(Giorgia/Aretha Franklin)

A family of nations, that's our goal
Reaching to touch each heart and soul
Upward and on no backward glance
There's just one way, give peace a chance
(Emmanuel/Michelle Wright)

There's just one way, give peace a chance
(Peabo Bryson)

When will all conflicts cease
Not 'till we know The Power of Peace

The power of peace

Letra Original

How many soldiers of war
Wonder what they've been fighting for
When will all conflicts cease
Not 'till we know the Power of Peace
(Chris de Burgh)

How many children must die
Not understanding how or why
Too many bombs each day
Innocent victims pay
(Oleta Adams)

All people know our world needs CARE
Let nations unite and learn to share
Join with each other, help conflicts cease
Then we will know the Power of Peace
(Enrique Iglesias/Peabo Bryson)

Refugees run from fear
Clutching the ones they hold so dear
Trying to ease their pain
We cannot let them down again
(Gerald Levert/Aretha Franklin/Kenny Rogers)

When will all conflicts cease
Not 'till we know The Power of Peace
(Kenny Rogers)

All people know our world needs CARE
Let nations unite and learn to share
So join with each other, help conflicts cease
Then we will know the Power of Peace
(Giorgia/Aretha Franklin)

A family of nations, that's our goal
Reaching to touch each heart and soul
Upward and on no backward glance
There's just one way, give peace a chance
(Emmanuel/Michelle Wright)

There's just one way, give peace a chance
(Peabo Bryson)

When will all conflicts cease
Not 'till we know The Power of Peace

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Chris De Burgh
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