Letra de la cancion "To be with you"

Interpretada por "David Archuleta"

letra To be with you en español


He estado solo muchas noches
Y he estado esperando por las estrellas caer
Sigo esperando
Para que?
No lo se
Estar contigo
Solo estar contigo

Entonces, aqui estoy
Mirando a la luna esta noche
Preguntandome como te veras en esta luz
Quizas tu estes en algun lugar pensando en mi tambien
Estar contigo
No es nada que no pueda hacer

Y no puedo imaginar
Dos mundos rotando separados
Se juntan finalmente

Y cuando finalmente nos conocimos
Sabre que es verdad
Estare hasta el final del resto de mi camino
Pero este viaje
Valio la pena la lucha
Estar contigo
Solo estar..

Esperandote a ti desde el primer momento
Nunca dejarlo ir
Que no daria yo
Por sentirme de esa forma, oh..
Oh, Estar contigo, oh..

Y no puedo imaginar
Dos mundos rotando separados
Se juntan finalmente

Y cuando estas parada aqui frente a mi
Es cuando se que Dios si existe
Porque El tendra respuestas para cada oracion
Estar contigo
Solo estar contigo, yeah..

To be with you

Letra Original

I've been alone so many nights now
And I've been waiting for the stars to fall
I keep holding out
For what
I don't know
To be with you
Just to be with you

So, here I am
Staring at the moon tonight
Wondering how you look in this light
Maybe you're somewhere thinking 'bout me too
To be with you
There's nothing I wouldn't do

And I can't imagine
Two worlds spinning apart
Come together eventually

And when we finally meet
I'll know it's right
I'll be at the end of my restless road
But this journey
It was worth the fight
To be with you
Just to be..

Holding you for the very first time
Never letting go
What I wouldn't give
To feel that way, oh..
Oh, to be with you, oh

And I can't imagine
Two worlds spinning apart
Come together eventually

And when you're standing here in front of me
That's when I know that God does exist
'Cause He will have answered every single prayer
To be with you
Just to be with you, yeah..

Ver más canciones interpretadas por David Archuleta
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