Letra de la cancion "One weak"

Interpretada por "Deftones"

letra One weak en español


Nervio, aquí yo me entiendo
Alimentándome de tu pulmón
Pasión es tu maldición, porque
Te encontraste con cristo solo

Tú no sirves
Podríamos estar tan bien
Mal comprendido
Podríamos ser tu dios

Dentro de mis huesos
Podríamos ser tan expertos
Mal comprendido, porque el quiso
Encontrarse con cristo solo

Pero tú irías
Tú nunca me vas a encontrar
Aberración no nacida
Nunca, ven aquí
A verme quemado
Nunca porque
Tus cicatrices están a la vista

Yo jamás quemare
Debajo de la tierra

Delante de tu rostro
Porque tú no sirves
Podríamos haber sido como un
Jodete, puta siente los dolores
Podríamos estar tan bien
Mal comprendido porque el quiso
Encontrarse con cristo solo

Tú nunca me vas a encontrar
Aberración no nacida
Nunca puta porque
Tus cicatrices están a la vista
Yo nunca
Yo jamás quemare
Yo jamás quemare
Jamás quemare

Implore, ni intente
Y tu jamás (x3)
Implore, ni desperdicies tu aliento.

One weak

Letra Original

Nerve, here I borned feeding on his lung
Verve, is his curse because he wanted to meet christ alone

Bitch, you're no good, we could be so flown
Misunderstood, we could be your god

There in my bones we could be so flown
Misunderstood, because he wanted to meet christ alone

But you will

No you will never find me, breach unborn
Never, come here watch me burn
Never, bitch cause your scars show
Never, will I burn

Under, beneath the floor
Before his face, 'cause you're no good
We could have been like one
Fuck it

Bitch you feel sore, we could be so flown
Misunderstood, because he wanted to meet christ alone

But you will

No you will never find me - breach unborn
Never sit and watch me burn
Never bitch cause your scars show
Never will I burn

Will I burn
Will I burn
Will I burn

Beg don't even try and you will never
Beg don't even try and you will never
Beg don't even try and you will never
Beg don't even waste your time.

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