Letra de la cancion "Final battle 8 miles"

Interpretada por "Eminem"

letra Final battle 8 miles en español


Bueno todos los del 313 levanten las putas manos y síganme
todos los del 313 levanten las putas manos y síganme.
miren ,miren
este tipo arrogante noten que no levanto las manos
free world los tiene agitados
¿quien le teme al lobo feroz?
uno, dos, tres y cuatro
1 pac, 2 pac, 3 pac 4
4 pac, 3 pac, 2 pac, 1
tu no vales, el no vale, ¿tu vales? NO
¡este tipo es puto MC!
y se todo lo que va decir
si soy blanco, que soy vago,
¡que vivo en una casa rodante con mamá.
si mi amigo future es un tio tom.
si mi amigo chedar bob es medio bruto
pues el mismo se dio un balazo.
si recibi una paliza a manos de 6 tontos.
si wink se cogio a mi chica
y aun Grito "¡ala mierda free world!"
no me juzgues loco, no sabes que mierdas he pasado.
pero yo se algo de ti.
tu fuiste a cranbrock a una escuela privada.
¿que te pasa loco? ¿te avergüenza?
¿este tipo es un gangster? se llama Clarence.
vive en su casa con sus padres quienes tienen
un buen matrimonio
no quiere batalla esta asustado
por que no existe gángsters a medias"
se muere de miedo al verse en su puto anuario escolar,
al carajo cranbrock.
(se detiene la música)

al carajo el ritmo. lo hago "a capella"
al carajo papa doc, al carajo la hora, al carajo
las casas rodantes al carajo ¡¡todos!!.
al carajo los que duden si soy blanco y vago,
a mucha ¡¡honra!!.
**** Batalla no quiero ganar, me voy,
toma diles algo de mi que aun no sepan.

Final battle 8 miles

Letra Original

Now everybody from the 3 one 3
Put your motherfucking hands up and follow me...
Everybody from the 3 one 3
Put your motherfucking hands up, look, look...
Now while he stands tough,
Notice that this man does not have his hands up...
The free world has got you jazzed up,
now who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
One, two, three and to the four,
one pac, two pac, three pac, four
four pac, three pac, two pac, one
your pac, he's pac, you're pac, none...
This guy ain't no motherfucking MC,
I know everything he's got to say against me,
I am white, I am a fucking puck,
I do live in a trailor with my mum,
My boy Future is an uncle tom,
I do have a dumb friend named cheddar Bob
who shoots himself in the leg with his own gun...
I did get jumped, by all six of you chumps...
And Wink did fuck my girl,
I'm still standing here screaming fuck the free world!
But don't ever try to judge me dude,
You don't know what the fuck I've been through!
But I know something about you,
you went to Cranbrook, that's a private school!
What's the matter dog, you embarrassed?
This guy's a gangster? His real name is Clarence!
And Clarence lives at home with both parents,
And Clarence's parents have a real good marriage...
this guy don't wanna battle, he's shook,
'Cos their ain't no such thing as "Half way crooks"...
He's scared to death, he's scared to look in his fucking year book,
Fuck Cranbrook...
Fuck the beat, I'll go acapella,
Fuck a papa doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailor, fuck everybody!
Fuck y'all if you doubt me!
I'm a piece of fucking white trash I say it proudly!
And fuck this battle, I don't wanna win, i'm outie...
Here, tell these people something they don't know about me.

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Eminem
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