Letra de la cancion "Rhythm divine"

Interpretada por "Enrique Iglesias"

letra Rhythm divine en español


Escucha el ritmo de tu corazon

De la costa de Ipanema
A la Isla de Capri
Todo el viaje a Kuala Lumpur
Te seguiré a donde sea que puedas estar

Desde el momento, en que ti vi por primera vez
Supe que mi corazón no podría ser libre
Tenía que tenerte en mis brazos
Nunca podrá haber otra para mí

Todo lo que necesito es
Perdido en la música
Tu corazón será mío
Todo lo que necesito es
Mirar en tus ojos.

Rhythm divine

Letra Original

Escucha el ritmo de tu corazon

From the coast of Ipanema
to the Island of Capri
all the way to Kuala Lumpur
I will follow you wherever you may be

From the moment, I first saw you
Knew my heart could not be free
Had to hold you in my arms
There can never be another for me

All I need is
Lost in the music
You're heart will be mine
All I need is
to look in your eyes
Viva la musica
Say you'll be mine

Can you feel the heat of passion
Can you taste our love's sweet wine
Join the dance and let it happen
Put tomorrow's cares right out of your mind
As the music draws you closer
And you fall under my spell
I will catch you In my arms now
Where the night can take us no can tell

All I need is
Lost in the music
You're heart will be mine
All I need is
the look in your eyes
Viva la musica
Say you'll be mine

Gotta have this feeling forever
Gotta live this moment together
Nothing else matters
just you and the night
Follow on the wings of desire
now the rhythm is taking you higher
No one can stop us from havin' it all

You are my heart......you are my soul
All I need is
Lost in the music
You're heart will be mine
All I need is
the look in your eyes
Viva la muscia
Say you'll be mine

Can you feel the rhythm?
Can you feel the rhythm?
Can you feel the rhythm?
Burning .....Burning.

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Enrique Iglesias
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