Letra de la cancion "Blue eyes blue"

Interpretada por "Eric Clapton"

letra Blue eyes blue en español


Yo pensé que tu me amabas.
yo pensé que tu eras la única quien estaria para siempre.
Pero ahora el para siempre se ha ido.
Y yo sigo aqui solo.

Porque tu solo jugabas,
tu solo jugabas con mi corazón.
Yo nunca esperé,
yo nunca esperé que empezaran las lagrimas

Fuiste tu quien puso nubes a mi alrededor.
Fuiste tu quien hizo que mis lagrimas cayeran.
Fuiste tu quien rompió mi corazón en pedazos.
fuiste tu quien puso triste a mis ojos azules
Oh, nunca debí haber confiado en ti.

Yo pensé que yo era todo lo que tu necesitas.
Pensé que veia mi cielo en tus ojos.
Y ahora mi cielo se ha ido,
y estoy afuera en el frio.

porque me tenias creyendo,
me tenias creyendo en una mentira.
adivina no pude verlo,
adivine no pude verlo hasta que dije adios.


porque tu solo jugabas,
tu solo jugaste con mi corazón.
yo nunca esperé,
yo nunca esperé que empezaran las lagrimas.

fuiste tu quien puso nubes en mi alrededor.
fuiste tu.


oh, nunca debí haber confiado en ti.
oh, nunca debí haber confiado en ti.

Blue eyes blue

Letra Original

I thought that you’d be loving me.
I thought you were the one who’d stay forever.
But now forever’s come and gone
And I’m still here alone.

’cause you were only playing,
You were only playing with my heart.
I was never waiting,
I was never waiting for the tears to start.

It was you who put the clouds around me.
It was you who made the tears fall down.
It was you who broke my heart in pieces.
It was you, it was you who made my blue eyes blue.
Oh, I never should have trusted you.

I thought that I’d be all you need.
In your eyes I thought I saw my heaven.
And now my heaven’s gone away
And I’m out in the cold.

’cause you had me believing,
You had me believing in a lie.
Guess I couldn’t see it,
I guess I couldn’t see it till I saw goodbye.


’cause you were only playing,
You were only playing with my heart.
I was never waiting,
I was never waiting for the tears to start.

It was you who put the clouds around me.
It was you.


Oh, I never should have trusted you.
Oh, I never should have trusted you.

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Eric Clapton
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