Letra de la cancion "Justice and mercy"

Interpretada por "Flyleaf"

letra Justice and mercy en español


No podemos olvidar,
No somos ignorantes.
Sangre en nuestros corazones,
Sangre en nuestras manos.
Somos humanos, razonamos, respiramos,
Protegemos la vida y la muerte, sobreviviendo lo intentamos
Para respirar a salvo, volver a casa a salvo.

La misericordia grita que es un amor violento
Justicia y miresicordia, justicia y misericordia.
La muerte creada para nosotros es
Justicia y misericordia, justicia y misericordia.
Aquí es donde ellos se besan.

La via aquí es sacrificio.
Alguien pagó el precio.
Sangre en nuestros corazones,
Sangre en nuestras manos.
Estamos llorando, peleando, es la guerra, morimos, creyendo que ganamos, es el fin, estamos cantamos, ya está hecho, sobrevivimos.

La misericordia grita que es un amor violento
Justicia y miresicordia, justicia y misericordia.
La muerte creada para nosotros es
Justicia y misericordia, justicia y misericordia.
Aquí es donde ellos se besan.

Con la vida en una línea (fuego).
Que consume o perfecciona (fuego),
Para ascender o caer,
Para retirarnos o escalar fuera de la vista, fuera de la mente hasta atacar
Desde atrás con este fuego que se consume o perfecciona.

La misericordia grita que es un amor violento
Justicia y miresicordia, justicia y misericordia.
La muerte creada para nosotros es
Justicia y misericordia, justicia y misericordia.
Aquí es donde ellos se besan.

Justice and mercy

Letra Original

We can't be oblivious,
We are not ignorant.
Blood in our hearts,
Blood on our hands.
Were human, we reason, we're breathing,
Protecting the living and dying surviving were trying to breathe in safety,
Come home safely.

Mercy screams it's violent love
Justice and mercy, justice and mercy
The death of us created for
Justice and mercy,justice and mercy.
This is where they kiss

Life here sacrificed,
Someone who paid the price,
Blood in our hearts,
Blood on our hands.
We cry out, were fighting, it's warfare, were dying, believing were winning, it's ending, were singing, it's already done, we've over come

Mercy screams it's violent love.
Jutsice and mercy, justice and mercy.
The death of us created for
Justice and mercy, justice and mercy,
This is where they kiss

With a life on the line (fire)
That consumes or refines (fire)
To ascent or decline,
To retret or to climb out of sight out of mind til attacked from behind will this fire consume or refine.

Mercy screams it's violent love
Jutsice and mercy, justice and mercy.
The death of us created for
Justice and mercy, justice and mercy and,
This is where they kiss.

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