Letra de la cancion "Ruby room"

Interpretada por "Foxboro Hot Tubs"

letra Ruby room en español


Fourteen street; booze and swallow

I'm gonna drown my sorrow

Dirty floors and sticky tables

For the willing, and the able

All the zombies, on a hot friday night

Going down to the ruby room

I'm gonna meet my doom

By the name of rosie may

She's the night pick of the day, yeah

Lucky strike and I will travel

As the pabst blue ribbon unravels

Gonna drink my hard earned pay

'Cause it doesn't matter anyway

Seein' double on a one last, one night stand!

Going down to the ruby room

I'm gonna meet my doom

By the name of rosie may

She's a midnight pick of the day, yeah

Going down to the ruby room

I'm gonna meet my doom

By the name of rosie may

She's a midnight pick of the day, yeah yeah!

Going down to the ruby room

Going down to the ruby

Ruby room

Letra Original

Fourteenth street, booze and swallow
I'm gonna drown my sorrow
Dirty floors and sticky tables
For the willing, and the able

All the zombies, on a hot friday night!

Going down to the ruby room
I'm gonna meet my doom
By the name of rosie may
She's the night pick of the day

Luky strike and I will travel
As the pabst blue ribbon unravels
Gonna drink my hard earned pay
'Cause it doesn't matter anyway, yeah

Seeing double on a one last one night stand

Going down to the ruby room
I'm gonna meet my doom
By the name of rosie may
She's the midnight pick of the day,yeah!

Going down to the ruby room
I'm gonna meet my doom
By the name of rosie may
She's the midnight pick of the day,yeah yeah!

Going down to the ruby room
Going down to the ruby room

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