Letra de la cancion "I heard you"

Interpretada por "Good Charlotte"

letra I heard you en español


Atornillé hoy para arriba otra vez,
dijiste que podría decir
de la manera que dijiste adiós,
te vi.. sentarse en tu soporte
de la camiseta
con tu nuevo novio,
él.. estoy realmente fresco,
yo consigo el punto

No te deseo, yo no te deseo,
yo te escucho, yo te escucho,
te oí decir en una ocasión,
qué tú no vengas, no te deseo,
yo no te deseo,
te oí, yo te oí.

yo te oí decir que no eres bastante bueno para mí
Atornillé hoy para arriba otra vez,
no prestaba atención,
yo caminé en la pared otra vez,
Te oí reír y la sierra que haces muecas,
mientras que te sentabas en tu soporte de la camiseta,
con todos tus amigos frescos,
están realmente frescos,
consigo el punto

No te deseo, yo no te deseo,
yo te escucho, yo te escucho,
te oí decir en una ocasión,
qué tú no vengas, no te deseo,
yo no te deseo,
te oí, yo te oí.

Hoy te daré un intento de pasado,
y entonces me preguntaré porqué,
lo hice ame de nuevo,
vi a tu novio, él soy 6 ' 3 ",
estratega en el varsity
los jugadores del balompié aman torturarme,
me estoy sintiendo
tan como no estoy cabiendo adentro,
sé que no estoy cabiendo adentro contigo,
y tus amigos pegados para arriba, consigo el punto.

No te deseo, yo no te deseo,
yo te escucho, yo te escucho,
te oí decir en una ocasión,
qué tú no vengas, no te deseo,
yo no te deseo,
te oí, yo te oí.

I heard you

Letra Original

Today i screwed up again,
you said i could tell in the way you said goodbye,
i saw you sitting at your t-shirt stand with your new boyfriend,
he's really cool, i get the point

I don't want you, i don't want you,
i heard you, i heard you, i heard you say not a chance,
what don't you see,
i don't want you, i don't want you,
i heard you, i heard you, i heard you say you're not good enough for me

Today i screwed up again,
i wasn't paying attention, i walked into the wall again,
i heard you laugh and saw you grin,
while you were sitting at your t-shirt stand,
with all your cool friends, they're really cool,
i get the point

I don't want you, i don't want you,
i heard you, i heard you, i heard you say not a chance,
what don't you see,
i don't want you, i don't want you,
i heard you, i heard you, i heard you say you're not good enough for me

Today i'll give it one last try,
and then i'll wonder why, i did it to myself once again,
i saw your boyfriend, he's 6'3", quarterback on varsity
the football players love to torture me,
so i'm feeling like i'm not fitting in,
i know that i'm not fitting in with you,
and your stuck-up friends, i get the point

I don't want you, i don't want you,
i heard you, i heard you, i heard you say not a chance,
what don't you see,
i don't want you, i don't want you,
i heard you, i heard you, i heard you say you're not good enough for me.

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Good Charlotte
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