Letra de la cancion "Privilege"

Interpretada por "Incubus"

letra Privilege en español


¿No es extraño que un don pueda ser un enemigo?
¿No es raro que un privilegio pueda parecer un quehacer?
A lo mejor soy yo, pero esta fila no está yendo a ninguna parte.
A lo mejor si buscásemos con las ganas suficientes podríamos
Encontrar una puerta trasera.
(Encuentra una puerta trasera)
Os veo haciendo cola, arrastrando los pies
Os acompaño en el sentimiento.
El día que nacisteis, nacisteis libres.
Ése es vuestro privilegio.
¿No es extraño que el hombre parado delante de mí
No tenga ni idea de por qué está esperando, o
A qué está esperando?
A lo mejor soy yo, pero estoy harto de malgastar energía.
A lo mejor si busco en mi corazón, pueda encontrar
Una puerta trasera.
(Encuentra una puerta trasera)
Os veo haciendo cola, arrastrando los pies
Os acompaño en el sentimiento.
El día que nacisteis, nacisteis libres
Ése es vuestro privilegio


Letra Original

Isn't it strange that a gift could be an enemy? isn't it weird that a privilege could feel like a chore? maybe it's me but this line isn't going anywhere maybe if we looked hard enough, we could find a backdoor (find yourself a backdoor)
I see you in line, dragging your feet you have my sympathy the day you were born, you were born free that is your privilege
Isn't it strange that the man standing in front of me doesn't have a clue why he's waiting, or what he's waiting for? maybe it's me, but I'm sick of wasting energy maybe if I look in my heart I could find a backdoor (find yourself a backdoor.)
I see you in line, dragging your feet you have my sympathy the day you were born, you were born free that is your privilege
2. nowhere fast
Will I ever get to where I'm going? will I ever follow through with what I had planned I guess it's possible that I have been a bit distracted and the directions for me are a lot less in demand
Will I ever get to where I'm going? if I do, will I know when I am there? if the wind blew me in the right direction would I even care? I would
I take a look around it's evident the scene has changed and there are times when I feel improved upon the past then there are times when I can't seem to understand at all and yes it seems as though I'm going nowhere... really fucking fast

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