Letra de la cancion "I believe in.."

Interpretada por "Jennifer Love Hewitt"

letra I believe in.. en español


Vi las noticias hoy
Un adolescente asombrado
Otra perdio a su unico hijo

Se enteró de su camino en la escuela
Luchar es la regla de oro
Por 20 dólares puedes poseer una pistola

Vi las palabras en rojo
Alguien pintó: " el amor ha muerto"
Sobre la señal por encima del campo de fútbol

Tuve que darles la espalda
Hace daño a mi alma pensar así
Cuando el amor es real

Porque creo en
Creo en el amor
Y creo en
Los milagros en nosotros

Y no importa lo que digan
Nunca pueden quitar
Que creo en
Creo en el amor

En 1942
Un ejército de demonios fueron pisoteados por
Cada pulgada de su ciudad olvidada

Las familias se escondieron
En un lugar secreto porencima de la decadencia
Y allí vivieron y
Sin un sonido

Ella aprendií a escribir aquel año
De cada grito ella no se atrevería a enterarse ni de cada alma torturada
Ella un día se mudo

Un día los soldados vinieron
E hicieron marcharse a su familia para el tren
Y dejaron su diario en la calle
Y lo leyeron

Creo en
Creo en el amor
Creo en
Los milagros en nosotros

Y no importa lo que digan
Nunca pueden quitar
Que creo en ello
Oh, creo en ello

I believe in..

Letra Original

I saw the news today
A teenage boy blown away
Another mother's lost her only son

He learned his way at school
Fighting is the golden rule
For twenty dollars you can own a gun

I saw the words in red
Someone painted "love is dead"
On the sign above the football field

I had to turn away
It hurts my soul to think that way
When love is what's real

'Cause I believe in
I believe in love
And I believe in
The miracles in us

And no matter what they say
They can never take away
What I believe in
I believe in love

In 1942
A demon army trampled through
Every inch of her forgotten town

The family hid away
A secret place above decay
And there they lived and breathed
Without a sound

She learned to write that year
Of every scream she'd dare not hear
And every tortured soul
She one day moved

One day the soldiers came
And marched her family to the train
And left her diary right in the street
And it read

I believe in
I believe in love
I believe in
The miracles in us

And no matter what they say
They can never take away
What I believe in
Oh, I believe in

Why is it that we can't help but look for
A crack of light in the darkest sky
When will we come to understand
That through right and wrong
Love's the only thing that's real

So here we go again
Fighting 'til the bitter end
Better off to go our seperate ways

And as you slam the door
I swear that I will love no more
But you can't believe a word I say
And that's right

'Cause I believe in
I believe in love
And I believe in
The miracles in us

And no matter what I say
They can never take away
What I believe in
Oh, I believe in

I believe in, yeah
I believe in love
I believe in, oh
The miracles in us

And no matter what they say
They can never take away
What I believe in
Oh, I believe in love

I believe in love
Love's the only thing that's real
I believe in love and the miracles in all of us
Love's the only thing that's real
I believe in love and the miracles in all of us

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Jennifer Love Hewitt
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