Letra de la cancion "If you were me"
Interpretada por "Lindsay Lohan"
Letra en Español
letra If you were me en español
Tu fuiste la única cosa, en la qué podía contar
Eras mí todo
Y luego supe que lo nuestro significaba nada
Para nadie en la calle
Y nunca lo ví venir
Nunca lo ví venir
No, nunca lo ví venir
Nunca lo ví venir
Creí en todas las cosas qué me dijiste, confíaba en tí
Bueno, sí fuiste mío
Te empujaría?
Podrías poner la otra mejilla y perdonarte?
Te romperías?
O esperarías por el karma qué venga?
Te rendirías?
Serías suficiente para hacerte qué nunca más estés enamorado?
Que harías, que harías?
Sí tú fuiste lo que pase?
No sé que es lo que queda para hablar pero
Lo encontré difícil para irme
Sin ninguna conclusión
Cómo puedes quererla
Cuando sigues conmigo?
Y nunca lo ví venir
Nunca lo ví venir
No, nunca lo ví venir
Nunca lo ví venir
Bueno, sí tú fueras yo
Te empujaría?
Podrías poner la otra mejilla y perdonarte?
Te romperías?
O esperarías por el karma qué venga?
Te rendirías?
Serías suficiente para hacerte qué nunca más estés enamorado?
Que harías, que harías?
Sí tú fuiste lo que pase?
Te convertiste en algo bueno a algo tan malo
Tiro todas las cosas qué fuimos
Ponte en mis zapatos, es triste
Creí en todas las cosas qué me dijiste, confíaba en tí
Bueno, sí tú fueras yo
Te empujaría?
Podrías poner la otra mejilla y perdonarte?
Te romperías?
O esperarías por el karma qué venga?
Te rendirías?
Serías suficiente para hacerte qué nunca más estés enamorado?
Que harías, que harías?
Sí tú fuiste lo que pase?
Sería el final?
Que harías sí fueras yo?
Sí tu fueras yo que harías?
Que harías, que harías, que harías?
Letra Original
If you were me
Letra Original
You were the one thing, that I could count on
You were my everything
And then I found out that we mean nothing
From someone on the street
And I never saw it coming, never saw it coming
No, I never saw it coming, never saw something
I believed all the things that you said, I believed in you
Well, if you were me
Would you push you?
Would you turn the other cheek and forgive you?
Would you cry out?
Would you break down?
Or would you wait for karma to come around?
Would you give up?
Would it be enough to make you never ever wanna be in love?
What would you do, what would you do?
If you were me would it be through?
I don't know what's left to talk about but
I found it hard to leave
Without some closure
How could you want her
When you were still with me?
And I never saw it coming, never saw it coming
No, I never saw it coming, never saw something
Well, if you where me
Would you push you?
Would you turn the other cheek and forgive you?
Would you cry out?
Would you break down?
Or would you wait for karma to come around?
Would you give up?
Would it be enough to make you never ever wanna be in love?
What would you do, what would you do?
If you were me would it be through?
You turned something so good so bad
Threw out all the things that we had
Put yourself in my shoes, it's sad
I believed all the things that you said, I believed in you
Well, if you where me
Would you push you?
Would you turn the other cheek and forgive you?
Would you cry out?
Would you break down?
Or would you wait for karma to come around?
Would u give up?
Would it be enough to make you never ever wanna be in love?
What would you do, what would you do?
If you were me would it be through?
Would it be through?
What would you do if you where me?
If you were me what would you do?
What would you, what would you, what would you
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