Letra de la cancion "Moto psycho"

Interpretada por "Megadeth"

letra Moto psycho en español


Responsibilidad, un ancla en mi cuello
Formalidad, me destroza los nervios
Responsabilidad, vivo frenando y frenando
Inestabilidad, descuido y no respeto

Tener mis ruedas en movimiento y un camino que vencer
Alcanzo a "no sé" y busco "calle rufián mierda"
Boleto de ida a ninguna parte, no hay ventanas en este tren
No puedo ver donde estoy anotado pero estoy yendo ahí otra vez

Yendo a ningún lado, todos son un
Sico-motomuevete o pierde, nena
Yendo a ningún lado a 100 millas por hora
Sico-moto, soy un sico-moto

Sabes que no puedes resistirte a decirme lo que significo
Torciste mi mente al decir que yo era sucio
El actor hace su papel e improvisa entremedio
Eres todo lo que resiento, mis pensamientos fueron muy obscenos

Tener mis ruedas...

Coro: sico-moto...

Moto psycho

Letra Original

Responsibility, an anchor around my neck
Dependability, made me a nervous wreck
Accountability, I live from check to check
Volatility, neglect and no respect

Got my wheels in motion and I got a path to beat
I hit the road to "I don't know" and look for "tough shit street"

Solo - pitrelli

One-way ticket nowhere there's no windows on this train
Can't see where I'm headed but I'm going there again

Moto psycho
Going nowhere everybody is a
Moto psycho move it or lose it baby
Going nowhere 100 miles an hour
Moto psycho I'm a moto psycho
Moto psycho

You know you can't resist to tell me what I mean
You gave my mind a twist said that I was unclean
The actor runs the play and ad-libs in between
You're all that I resent my thoughts were so obscene

Got my wheels in motion and I got a path to beat
I hit the road to "I don't know" and look for "tough shit street"

Solo - mustaine

One-way ticket nowhere there's no windows on this train
Can't see where I'm headed but I'm going there again

Moto psycho
Going nowhere everybody is a
Moto psycho move it or lose it baby
Going nowhere 100 miles an hour
Moto psycho I'm a moto psycho

One-way ticket nowhere there's no windows on this train
Can't see where I'm headed but I'm going there again

Moto psycho
Going nowhere everybody is a moto psycho
Going nowhere move it or lose it baby moto psycho
Going nowhere 100 miles an hour moto psycho
Where I'm headed I don't know but I'm shoving off and I hit the road
Going nowhere everybody is a moto psycho - time and time and time again I'm a
Moto psycho
Moto psycho move it or lose it baby
Going nowhere 100 miles an hour
Moto psycho I'm a moto psycho

Fill solos - mustaine

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Megadeth
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