Letra de la cancion "Speed demon"

Interpretada por "Michael Jackson"

letra Speed demon en español


Voy hacia la frontera.
La tengo en la mente
Y en realidad, nada importa.
Debo llegar a tiempo.
Miro por el espejo retrovisor.
¿Me viene pisando los talones?.
¿Se esta acercando?,
Siento el fuego en la espalda.
Demonio veloz.
A toda velocidad en la carretera.
Demonio veloz.
Haciéndolo en la carretera.
Demonio veloz.
Mi mente es como una brújula.
Demonio veloz.
Detente y toma tu infracción.
Nada me detendrá
No hay parada, sigue
A toda velocidad en la avenida.
Debo sacarle fuego al camino.
Demonio veloz.
A toda velocidad en la carretera.
Demonio veloz.
Rápido en la carretera.
Demonio veloz.
Mi mente es como una brújula.
Demonio veloz.
Puedes tomar tu infracción.
Demonio veloz, tú eres el mejor.
Que dice que el futuro está en tus manos
La vida que salves puede ser la tuya.
Predicas sobre mi vida como si fueras la ley.
Viviré mi vida
Cada día
Como si no hubiera mañana.
¡Ve! ¡anda! ¡ve!
Demonio veloz
A toda velocidad en la carretera.
Demonio veloz
Tengo fuego igual que un cohete.
Demonio veloz.
Mi mente es como una brújula.
Demonio veloz.
Detente y toma tu infracción.
Demonio veloz.
Detente y acepta tu infracción.
¡Detente y toma tu infracción!
¡Toma tu infracción!.
Detente muchacho y toma tu infracción
Acepta tu infracción
Toma tu infracción
Acéptala, tómala
Toma tu infracción

Speed demon

Letra Original

I'm headed for the border
It's on my mind
And nothin' really matters
I've got to be on time
Look in the view mirror
Is he hot on my tracks
Is he getting nearer
I feel some heat is on my back

(Speed demon)
Speedin' on the freeway
Gotta get a leadway
(Speed demon)
Doin' it on the highway
Gotta have it my way
(Speed demon)
Mind is like a compass
I'm stoppin' at nothin'
(Speed demon)
(He say) pull over boy and
Get your ticket right . . .

And nothin' gonna stop me
Ain't no stop and go
I'm speedin' on the midway
I gotta really burn this road

(Speed demon)
Speedin' on the freeway
Gotta get the leadway
(Speed demon)
Doin' it on the highway
Gotta have it my way
(Speed demon)
Mind is like a compass
I'm stoppin' at nothin'
(Speed demon)
(He say) pull over boy and
Get your ticket right . . .

Speed demon, you're the very same one
Who said the future's in your hands
The life you save could be your own
You're preachin' 'bout my life like you're the law
Gonna live each day and hour like
For me there's no tomorrow

Go! go! go! aaow!

(Speed demon)
Speedin' on the freeway
Gotta get a leadway
(Speed demon)
Got fire in my pocket
I just lit a rocket
(Speed demon)
Just pull over boy
And get your ticket right
(Speed demon)
Pull over boy and
Get your ticket right
(speed demon)
Just, pull over boy
And eat your ticket
Pull over boy
Pull over boy
And get your ticket right
Get your ticket right
Pull over boy-get
Your ticket right
Pull over boy and
Get your ticket right
Pull over boy
Pull over boy and
Get your ticket
Eat your ticket
Get your ticket
Eat yo', get yo', hoo! aaow!
Get your ticket right (speed demon)
Speedin' on the freeway
Gotta get a leadway
(Speed demon)
Doin' it on the highway
Gotta have it my way
(Speed demon)
Mind is like a compass
I'm stoppin' at nothin'
(Speed demon)
(He say) pull over boy and
Get your ticket right . . .

And nothin' gonna stop me
Ain't no stop and go
I'm speedin' on the midway
I gotta really burn this road

(Speed demon)
Speedin' on the freeway
Gotta get the leadway
(Speed demon)
Doin' it on the highway
Gotta have it my way
(Speed demon)
Mind is like a compass
I'm stoppin' at nothin'
(Speed demon)
(He say) pull over boy and
Get your ticket right . . .

Speed demon, you're the very same one
Who said the future's in your hands
The life you save could be your own
You're preachin' 'bout my life like you're the law
Gonna live each day and hour like
For me there's no tomorrow

Go! go! go! aaow!

(Speed demon)
Speedin' on the freeway
Gotta get a leadway
(Speed demon)
Got fire in my pocket
I just lit a rocket
(Speed demon)
Just pull over boy
And get your ticket right
(Speed demon)
Pull over boy and
Get your ticket right
(speed demon)
Just, pull over boy
And eat your ticket
Pull over boy
Pull over boy
And get your ticket right
Get your ticket right
Pull over boy-get
Your ticket right
Pull over boy and
Get your ticket right
Pull over boy
Pull over boy and
Get your ticket
Eat your ticket
Get your ticket
Eat yo', get yo', hoo! aaow!
Get your ticket right

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Michael Jackson
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