Letra de la cancion "Two more lonely people"

Interpretada por "Miley Cyrus"

letra Two more lonely people en español


Necesito sentir tus latidos cuando decis que me amas
No quiero escucharlo si es algo que vos no significas
Si tengo que abandonarte ahora habría un espacio vacío
No importa de todos modos, no podes tomar tus cosas e ir por tu propio camino

Si! hay dos personas mas solas,en el mundo esta noche, cariño, vos y yo.
Y hay dos personas más solas que dejaron la pelea, si estoy en un paseo
Bien,sabes que mi corazón duele y no tenes que romperlo,si el amor no cambia tu mente
Si! hay dos personas mas solas,esta noche.

No quiero tus fotos,no quiero tu compasión
No tenemos que ser amigos,no tenemos que ser enemigos
En mi cabeza lo divido,y estoy absolutamente segura
que vos y yo pudieramos calculargo, o nosoteros podríamos matar las luces sobre lo que nosotros teníamos antes.

Si! hay dos personas mas solas,en el mundo esta noche, cariño, vos y yo.
Y hay dos personas más solas que dejaron la pelea, si estoy en un paseo
Bien,sabes que mi corazón duele y no tenes que romperlo,si el amor no cambia tu mente
Si! hay dos personas mas solas,esta noche.

Bien,tenemos algo especial que debería ser bastante
Nada imprevisible cuando esto viene para amar
Tal vez,ultimamente,nosotros podríamos sentir un poco de amor
y si te alejaria esta noche

Si! hay dos personas mas solas,en el mundo esta noche, cariño, vos y yo.
Habrá dos personas mas solas que dejaron la lucha
Si! hay dos personas mas solas,en el mundo esta noche, cariño, vos y yo.
Bien,hay dos personas mas solas que dejaron la pelea,si estoy en un paseo
Bien,sabes que mi corazón duele y no tenes que romperlo,si el amor no cambia tu mente
Si! hay dos personas mas solas,esta noche.

Two more lonely people

Letra Original

I need to feel your heartbeat when you say you love me
I don't wanna hear it if it's something that you don't mean
If I had to leave you now, there would be an empty space
It doesn't matter anyhow, you can't take your things, and go your own way!

Yea there's two more lonely people, in the world tonight, baby you and I
And there's two more lonely people, who gave up the fight, yea I'm on a ride
Well, you know my heart is achin' and you don't have to break it, if love don't change your mind
Yea, there's two more lonely people, tonight...

I don't want your pictures, I don't want your sympathy
We don't have to be friends, we don't have to be enemies
In my head I break it down, and I am absolutely sure
That you and I could work it out, or we could kill the lights, on what we had before!

Yea there's two more lonely people, in the world tonight, baby you and I
And there's two more lonely people, who gave up the fight, yea I'm on a ride
Well, you know my heart is achin' and you don't have to break it, if love don't change your mind
Yea, there's two more lonely people...

Well, we got somethin' special, that should be enough
Nothing unpredictable when it comes to love
Maybe, lately, baby, we could feel a little love
And if you would walk away tonight

There'll be two more lonely people, in the world tonight, baby you and I
There'll be two more lonely people, who gave up the fight
Yea there's two more lonely people, in the world tonight, baby you and I
Well, there's two more lonely people, who gave up the fight, yea I'm on a ride
Well, you know my heart is achin' and you don't have to break it, if love don't change your mind.
Yea, there's two more lonely people, tonight...

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Miley Cyrus
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