Letra de la cancion "The wolf"

Interpretada por "Miniature Tigers"

letra The wolf en español


Añade agradable
Azúcar y especias
Te llevaré a un crucero a un lugar agradable
Donde no has estado antes
El amor era para más
Te moviste cerca, podía sentir tu sudor
Te besé en el cuello y te mojaste
Es un tratamiento superficial para un tipo como yo

Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Como si quisieran ir a casa contigo
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Como si quisieran ir a casa contigo

No tengo nada que me mantenga aquí
He perdido todo el amor que tenía querida
Voy a lanzar un dardo: l.a.
El lobo se ha escapado
El tipo que conoces cree que es tan hábil
Él te beso en los labios, pero se enfermará
Lotario ..
Es un desgraciado sabes

Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Como si quisieran ir a casa contigo
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Como si quisieran ir a casa contigo

Estoy en tu camino, puedo oler tu sangre
Ya he tenido suficiente con el amor no correspondido
Es la costa que ansío
Me lleva a la tumba
Aún en mi cabeza era el enfermo de mi columna vertebral
Renunciar a ella y voy a hacerte mía
Voy a comprarte cosas
Como anillos de diamante

Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Como si quisieran ir a casa contigo
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Todo el mundo te mira como si quisieran
Como si quisieran ir a casa contigo

The wolf

Letra Original

Add nice
Sugar and spice
I'll take you on a cruise to somewhere nice
You haven't been before
Love was meant for more
You moved up close, I could feel your sweat
I kissed you on your neck and you got wet
It's a shallow treat for a guy like me

Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Like they want to go home with you
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Like they want to go home with you

I've got nothin' keeping me here
I've wasted all the love that I hold dear
I'll throw a dart: l.a.
The wolf has run away
The guy you know thinks he's so slick
He'll kiss you on the lips but he'll get sick
He's a creep you know

Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Like they want to go home with you
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Like they want to go home with you

I'm on your trail, I can smell your blood
I've had enough with unrequited love
It's the coast I crave
Leads me to my grave
Still in my head was the sick of my spine
Give it up and I will make you mine
I will buy you things
Like diamond rings

Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Like they want to go home with you
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Everybody's looking at you like they want to
Like they want to go home with you

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Miniature Tigers
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