Letra de la cancion "Ashamed"

Interpretada por "Muse"

letra Ashamed en español


Se que hay algo que mueres por decirme
espero no sea sobre esto en el caso que tu me amas

Asegurate que nadie averigue
dime todo sobre eso
no guardes eso para ti
porque he pasado por el infierno
yo nunca necesite tu llanto
yo se que me amas
no importa porque voy a hacer que te arrastres

Yo se que tu avergonzamiento
tan avergonzado que te mata
tu no sabes sobre tu avergonzamiento
tanto que eso te mata

Siempre hay algo que te hace culpable
todavia hay algo que te mueres por decirme

Asegurate de que nadie averigue
dime todo sobre eso
no guardes eso para ti
porque rogare por mas
yo nunca necesite tu llanto
yo amo tu llanto
eso no importa porque hare que te arrastres

Se que tu avergonzamiento
tan avergonzado que te mata
tu no sabes sobre tu avergonzamiento
tanto que eso te mata.


Letra Original

I know there's something that your dying to tell me
i hope its not about it incase you love me

Make sure no-one finds out
tell me all about it
don't keep it to yourself
because i have been through hell
i never needed your cry
i know you love me
it doesn't matter because i'll make you crawl

I know that your ashamed
so ashamed that is kills you
don't you know that your ashamed
so much that it kills you

There's always something that makes you guilty
there's still something that your dying to tell me

Make sure no-one finds out
tell me all about it
don't keep it to yourself
because i'll beg for more
i never needed your cry
i love your cry
it doesn't matter becasue i'll make you crawl

I know that your ashamed
so ashamed that is kills you
don't you know that your ashamed
so much that it kills you

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