Letra de la cancion "My friends over you"

Interpretada por "New Found Glory"

letra My friends over you en español


Estuve bebiendo de tus besos
Por otra noche mas
Se esta volviendo rutina para mi
Pero no pensé engañarte
Y está bien fingir
Que todavía nos hablamos
Es solo para aparentar , ¿no es cierto?
Es mi culpa que termino

Tal vez
Necesitas esto
Y no quise

Eras todo lo que deseaba
Pero no puedo terminar lo que habia comenzado
No hay ningun lugar vacio detras de mi
Fui maltratado hace mucho
Aunque jures que eres sincera
Todavia prefiero mis amigos a ti
( mis amigos a ti )

Por favor cuentame todo,
Lo que piensas que debería saber
Sobre todos los planes que hiciste
Cuando yo no debía nunca ser encontrado
Y está bien olvidar
Que nosotros todavía hablemos
Eso es solo por diversion, no es ello
Esto es mi culpa que esto se deshizo

Porque tal vez tu necesitas esto
Y no pensé

Tu fuistes todo lo que quería
Pero no puedo terminar lo que he comenzado
No hay ningún lugar abandonado aquí sobre mi espalda
Fue maltratado hace mucho
Aunque tu juras que tu eres verdadera
Todavía prefiero mis amigos a ti

My friends over you

Letra Original

I'm drunk off your kiss
For another night in a row
This is becoming too routine for me
But I did not mean to lead you on
And it's all right to pretend
That we still talk
It's just for show, isn't it
It's my fault that it fell apart
Just maybe
You need this
And I didn't mean to
Lead you on
You were everything I wanted
But I just can't finish what I've started
There's no room left here on my back
It was damaged long ago
Though you swear that you are true
I still pick my friends over you
(My friends over you)

Please tell me everything,
That you think that I should know
About all the plans we made
When I was never to be found
And it's all right to forget
That we still talk
Its just for fun, isn't it
It's my fault that it fell apart
Cuz maybe you need this
And I didn't mean to
Lead you on
You were everything I wanted
But I just can't finish what I've started
There's no room left here on my back
It was damaged long ago
Though you swear that you are true
I still pick my friends over you
(My friends over you)

Just maybe you need this
You need this…
And I didn't mean to
Lead you on
You were everything I wanted
But I just can't finish what I've started
There's no room left here on my back
It was damaged long ago
Though you swear that you are true
I still pick my friends over you

Ver más canciones interpretadas por New Found Glory
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