Letra de la cancion "Easy lover"

Interpretada por "Phil Collins"

letra Easy lover en español


Es una amante fácil, te retendrá, créelo
Es una amante fácil, después, lo sabes, estarás de rodillas
Es una amante fácil, robará tu corazón y ni lo sentirás
Es una amante fácil, y solo trato de hacértelo notar

Es el tipo de chica que has soñado, que has soñado abrazar
(Mejor olvídalo) mejor olvídalo (nunca la tendrás)
Ella jugará y te dejará, te dejará y te engañará
(Mejor olvídalo) olvídalo (nunca la tendrás)

No, nunca la cambiarás, solo déjalo, déjala
Záfate rápido porque verlo es creerlo
Es la única forma en que sabrás que...


Eres el único que quiere abrazarlo, abrazarla y controlarla
(Mejor olvídala) empieza a olvidarla (nunca la tendrás)
Por ella, ella diría: "no hay otro", hasta que encuentre a otro
(Mejor olvídalo) oh no no-no (nunca la tendrás)

Y no trates de cambiarla, solo déjalo, déjala
No eres el único, verlo es creerlo
Es la única forma de saberlo

No, no intentes cambiarla, solo déjalo, déjala
No eres el único, verlo es creerlo
Es la única forma de saberlo

Es una amante fácil, te retendrá, créelo
Es una amante fácil, y solo trato de hacértelo notar

Easy lover

Letra Original

Easy lover, she'll get a hold on you believe it
She's like no other, before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover, she'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other, and I'm just trying to make you see

She's the kind of girl you dream of, dream of keeping hold of
(You'd better forget it) You'd better forget it (you'll never get it)
She will play around and leave you, leave you and deceive you
(You'd better forget it) forget it yeah (you'll regret it)

No you'll never change her, so leave it, leave it
Get out quick cos seeing is believing
It's the only way, you'll ever know


You're the one that wants to hold her, hold her and control her
(You'd better forget it) I get forget it no (you'll never get it)
For she'll say there's no other, till she finds another
(You'd better forget it) Oh no nono no (you'll regret it)

And don't try to change her, just leave it, leave it
You're not the only one, ooh seeing is believing
It's the only way, you'll ever know, aaah

No don't try to change her, just leave it, leave it
You're not the only one, ooh seeing is believing
It's the only way, you'll ever know

She's easy lover, she'll get a hold on you believe it
She's like no other, and I'm just trying to make you see

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Phil Collins
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