Letra de la cancion "Battle for sun"

Interpretada por "Placebo"

letra Battle for sun en español


Yo, yo, yo luchare por el sol, sol, sol.
Y yo, yo, yo no me detendre hasta que haya terminado, terminado, terminado.
Tu, tu, tu te interpones en el camino, camino, camino.
Y yo, yo, yo no tengo mas nada que decir, decir, decir.

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo barrere toda la suciedad, suciedad, suciedad, suciedad, suciedad, suciedad, suciedad.
Y yo, yo, yo, yo, yo pretendere que no dolio, dolio, dolio, dolio, dolio, dolio, dolio, dolio.
Tu, tu, tu, tu, tu eres un negro peso pesado, pesado, pesado, pesado, pesado, pesado, pesado.
Y yo, yo, yo, yo, yo no participare, re, re, re, re, re, re, re.

Sueña hermano, mi asesino, mi amante.
Sueña hermano, mi asesino, mi amante.

Yo, yo, yo luchare por el sol, sol, sol, sol.
Porque, yo, yo, yo he mirado por el cañon de una pistola, pistola, pistola, pistola.
No fue divertido, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu eres un repugnante y mezquino, falso, falso, falso, falso, falso.
Y yo, yo, yo, yo ,yo soy los huesos que no pudiste romper, romper, romper, romper, romper, romper, romper, romper.

Sueña hermano, mi asesino, mi amante.
Sueña hermano, mi asesino, mi amante. (x3)

Yo, yo, yo luchare por el sol.

Battle for sun

Letra Original

I, I, I will battle for the sun, sun, sun,
And I, I, I wont stop until im done, done, done,
You, you, you are getting in the way, way, way,
And I, I, I have nothing left to say, say, say

I, I, I, I, I will brush off all the dirt,
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt,
And I, I, I, I, I will pretend it didnt hurt,
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt,
You, you, you, you, you are a black and heavy weight,
Weight, weight, weight, weight, weight, weight,
And I, I, I, I, I will not participate,
Pate, pate, pate, pate, pate, pate, pate

Dream brother, my killer, my lover
Dream brother, my killer, my lover

I, I, I will battle for the sun, sun, sun, sun,
Cause, I, I, I have stared down the barrel of a gun, gun, gun, gun,
No fun, you, you, you, you, you are a cheap and nasty,
Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake,
And I, I, I, I, I am the bones you couldnt
Break, break, break, break, break, break, break, break

Dream brother, my killer, my lover
Dream brother, my killer, my lover (x3)

I, I, I will battle for the sun.

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