Letra de la cancion "Where we would be"

Interpretada por "Porcupine Tree"

letra Where we would be en español


Atado, atado a un tiempo
Donde sabiamos que el sol brillaria
Y tu eras todo sonrisas
Y podiamos hablar por un rato....

De donde estariamos cuando llegue el futuro
Y como pintarias mientras escribo mis canciones

Si pudiera encontrarte
Y contarte de mi vida
O quiza solo escribir
Y recordarte cuando soñaremos...

De donde estariamos cuando llegue el futuro
Y como pintarias mientras escribo mis canciones

Extraño es como nunca seras
La persona que viste cuando eras joven

Where we would be

Letra Original

Tied - tied to a time
When we knew that the sun would shine
And you were all smiles
And we could just talk for a while...

Of where we would be when the future comes
And how you would paint while I wrote my songs

If I could find you
And tell you about my life
Or maybe just write
And remind you of when we would dream...

Of where we would be when the future comes
And how you would paint while I wrote my songs

Strange how you never become
The person you see when you're young

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Porcupine Tree
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