Letra de la cancion "Foll to cry"

Interpretada por "The Rolling Stones"

letra Foll to cry en español


Cuando llego a casa
después de trabajar toda la noche
siento a mi hija en las rodillas
y me dice: papa, que te pasa?
Lo hace dulcemente al oído
Sabes lo que dice?
" oh papa, era tonto por llorar,
y me pregunto por que"

Sabes?, tengo una mujer
y vive en la parte pobre de la cuidad
la veo de vez en cuando
hacemos el amor tan bien
pongo mi cabeza sobre su hombro
y dice: cuéntame tus problemas
sabes lo que dice?
" eres tonto por llorar
y me pregunto por que"

Incluso mis amigos me lo dicen
y hago el que no los entiendo
sabes lo que dicen?
" eres tonto por llorar"

Soy tonto nena
soy tonto cariño
soy tonto declarado

Quiero decirte
he de decirte nena
que soy tonto
un idiota declarado por ti
soy tonto
soy tonto.

Foll to cry

Letra Original

When I come home baby
And I've been working all night long
I put my daughter on my knee, and she say
"Daddy what's wrong?"
I put my head on her shoulder
She whispers in my ear so sweet
You know what she says?
"Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why."

You know, I got a woman
And she lives in the poor part of town
and I go see her sometimes
And we make love, so fine
I put my head on her shoulder
She says, "Tell me all your troubles."
You know what she says? She says
"Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
and it makes me wonder why."

Daddy you're a fool to cry
Oh, I love you so much baby
Daddy you're a fool to cry
Daddy you're a fool to cry, yeah
She says, "Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why."

She says, "Daddy you're a fool to cry
Daddy you're a fool to cry
Daddy you're a fool to cry
Daddy you're a fool to cry

Even my friends say to me sometimes
And make out like I don't understand them
You know what they say?
They say, "Daddy you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why."

I'm a fool baby
I'm a fool baby
I'm a certified fool, now
I want to tell ya
Gotta tell ya, baby
I'm a fool baby
I'm a fool baby
Certified fool for ya, mama, come on
I'm a fool
I'm a fool
I'm a fool

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