Letra de la cancion "Blue and yellow"

Interpretada por "The Used"

letra Blue and yellow en español


Y todo está en la forma en la que mezclas los dos
Y comienza justo donde existe la luz
Es una sensación que no te puedes perder
Y hace un agujero
Que atraviesa a todo el que lo siente

Bueno, nunca vas a encontrarlo
Si estás buscándolo
No vendrá por aquí
Pues nunca lo encontrarás
Si lo estás buscando

Debí hacer algo, pero ya he hecho demasiado
Por la manera en la que temblaban tus manos
Preferiría pasar algo de tiempo contigo

Y sin embargo nunca entenderías al final
Cuán maravilloso es vivir otra vez
Se siente como si no pudieras extrañar
Hace un agujero que atraviesa a todo el que lo siente

Debí decir algo, pero ya he dicho demasiado
Por la manera en mis palabras se apagaban
Preferiría pasar algo de tiempo contigo

Blue and yellow

Letra Original

and it's all in how you mix the two
and it starts just where the light exists
it's a feeling that you cannot miss
and it burns a hole through everyone that feels it

well you're never gonna find it
if you're looking for it
won't come your way
well you'll never find it
if you're looking for it

should've done something but I've done it enough
by the way your hands were shaking
rather waste some time with you

and you never would have thought in the end
how amazing it feels just to live again
it's a feeling that you cannot miss
it burns a hole through everyone that feels it

well you're never gonna find it
if you're looking for it
won't come your way
well you'll never find it
if you're looking for it

should've done something but I've done it enough
by the way your hands were shaking
rather waste some time with you

should've said something but I've said it enough
by the way my words were faded
rather waste some time with you

waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you

should've done something but I've done it enough
by the way your hands were shaking
rather waste my time with you

should've said something but I've said it enough
by the way my words were faded
rather waste my time with you

should've done something but I've done it enough
by the way my hands were shaking
rather waste some time with you

waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you
waste some time with you

should've done something but I've done it enough
by the way your hands were shaking
rather waste some time with you

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