Letra de la cancion "Light with the sharpened edge"

Interpretada por "The Used"

letra Light with the sharpened edge en español


libre del tormento del pecado
todo esto me voy a rendir
tanto como el sol decida ceder
Explotando a la naranja
y aqui estan las voces cantando
marcan el nacimiento de un cambio
libre del tormento del pecado
todo esto me voy a rendir

no soy yo
enterrado derecho en contra mi alma
no soy yo
asi que quien soy ahora?
una y otra vez, luz con el borde afilado, cortes a traves del espacio vacio negro que llamamos cielo
inicio del ciclo que se mantiene, y ahora en mi corazón todo moriremos
como el dia y la noche
como el sol en el cielo
todo esto me voy a rendir

no soy yo
enterrado derecho en contra mi alma
no soy yo
entonces quien soy ahora?
no soy yo
enterrado derecho en contra mi alma
no soy yo
entonces quien soy ahora?
(quien soy ahora?)

Light with the sharpened edge

Letra Original

Free from the torment of sin,
all this i'm giving up,
much as the sun would decide to give in,
exploding to orange,
and here are the voices singing praises with hymns,
mark the birth of a change,
free from the torment of sin,
all this i'm giving up.

It's not me,
buried right against my soul,
it's not me,
so who am i now?
(over and over again,
light with the sharpened edge,
cuts through the black empty space we call sky)
beginning the cycle that stays,
and i know in my heart we all die,
like the day and the night,
like the sun in the sky,
all this i'm giving up.

It's not me,
buried right against my soul,
it's not me,
so who am i now?
It's not me,
buried right against my soul,
it's not me,
so who am i now?
(who am i now?)

is there another side?
beyond the black and white,
a place i could meet you by,
a place on the other side
I'll let you know when i go (x2)
When i'm gone.
It's not me,
buried right against my soul,
it's not me,
so who am i now?
It's not me,
buried right against my soul,
it's not me,
so who am i now?
It's not me,
buried right against my soul,
it's not me,
so who am i now?
(who am i now?)

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