Letra de la cancion "Born like this"

Interpretada por "Three Days Grace"

letra Born like this en español


No es lo tomé de ti
No es lo que robe
Nacimos así

Ha llegado el momento de cambiar esto
Para estirar el pensamiento a una milla
Hemos perdido esa clase de espíritu
Lo queremos de vuelta hoy
Ha llegado el momento de cambiar esto
Para hacer la vida que conocemos
Ellos se llevaron lo que nos dieron
Lo conseguiremos de nuevo

En algún lugar, alguien tiene un arma
alguien con un arma se está riendo
No es lo que te di
No es lo que robe
Nacimos así
No es lo tomé de ti
No es lo que robe
Nacimos así

Prueba tu mejor burla de mí
Siempre estás en mi camino
Has perdido lo que te han dado
Lo tendrás de vuelta hoy
Ha llegado el momento de cambiar esto
Para hacer la vida que conocemos
Ellos se llevaron lo que nos dieron
Lo queremos de vuelta de nuevo

En algún lugar, alguien tiene un arma
alguien con un arma se está riendo
No es lo que te di
No es lo que robe
Nacimos así
No es lo tomé de ti
No es lo que robe
Nacimos así

En algún lugar ... Estás flotando alto no estás viviendo
En algún lugar, alguien tiene un arma, alguien con un arma se está riendo, riendo

No es lo que te di
No es lo que robe
Nacimos así (2x)

No es lo tomé de ti
No es lo que he robe
Nacimos así

Born like this

Letra Original

It's not what I took from you
It's not what I stole
We are born like this
Like this!

The time has come to change this
To stretch the thought a mile
We've lost that kind of spirit
We want it back today
The time is right to change this
To make the life we know
They took what we were given
We'll get it back again

Somewhere, someone's gun
someone's gun is laughing
It's not what I gave to you
It's not what I stole
We are born like this
It's not what I took from you
It's not what I stole
We are born like this

You try your best to mock me
You're always in my way
You've lost what you've been given
You'll get it back today
The time is right to change this
To make the life we know
They took what we were given
We want it back again

Somewhere, someone's gun
someone's gun is laughing
It's not what I gave to you
It's not what I stole
We are born like this
It's not what I took from you
It's not what I stole
We are born like this

Somewhere... You're floating high you're not living we are
Somewhere, someone's gun, someone's gun is laughing,laughing

It's not what I gave to you
It's not what I stole
We are born like this (2x)

It's not what I took from you
It's not what I stole
We are born like this

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Three Days Grace
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