Letra de la cancion "You got no right"

Interpretada por "Velvet Revolver"

letra You got no right en español


Caigo a traves del hielo
No va a volver de pronto
Nunca gana el mentir
Ella dijo: nunca tendras derecho

Lo lleve lejos, al afuera
Lo lleve casi hasta el borde
Y si me has visto afuera
Me deberias haber visto respirar

Graciosamente me encuentro aquí
Dentro de una taza de papel
Sin ninguna advertencia o razon es una traición
Sin respuesta

No tenes derecho
A hacerme esperarte aca
No tenes derecho
A dejar el dolor aquí
Eso mantiene la corona

Y si caigo afuera
(Realmente no me crees)
Y si lo llevo casi hasta el borde
Y si caigoafuera
(Realmente no me crees)
Me deberias haber visto respirar

Y si te encontrara hoy a la noche
¿Me amarias por siempre?
Siempre termina luego de la noche
Siempre es mas frio luego de la noche
Y si me caigo afuera
Y si lo llevo casi hasta el borde
Ha sido un año y una noche

You got no right

Letra Original

I fell through the ice
She won't be coming back again
It never wins to lie
She said you'll never have no rights

I've took it farther on the outside
I've took it nearly to the brink
And if you've seen me on the outside
You would have barely seen me breathe

Funny right here I find myself
Inside a paper cup
Without a warning or a reason it's a treason
With no answer

You got no right
To keep me waiting here
You got no right
To keep the pain in here
That holds the crown

And if I fall apart on the outside
(You really don't believe me)
And if I take it to the brink
And if I fall apart on the outside
(You really don't believe me)
You would have barely seen me breathe

And if I meet you out tonight
Will you be loving me forever
It's always over after the night
It's always colder after the night
I broke through the ice
She won't be coming back again
It's been a year and a night

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Velvet Revolver
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