Letra de la cancion "Redesing me"

Interpretada por "Versaemerge"

letra Redesing me en español


Si seguias alrededor,
Me decias que era diferente,
Desde la ultima vez que me llamaste
Me haces sentir menos, yo diria que es una perdida de tiempo mantenerte a mi lado.
Si seguias a mi lado, lo juro, nos sentabamos a mirar,
Estariamos en ningun lado...

Y para el dia de hoy busco que se va a tomar, para dejar las cosas ser...
Todavia me pregunto eres tu o yo quien debe sentirse culpable?...
Voy tirando, me empuja, me estoy poniendo hacia fuera de mi mente.
Pense que te habias despedido
Si seguias alrededor,
Tu me decía que lo sientes, pero no sé qué
Que lo sientes acerca
Me reservo para mí, mantener en vilo, te hacen la pregunta
Si alguna vez va a por sí mismo.

Si seguias a mi lado, lo juro, nos sentabamos a mirar,
Estariamos en ningun lado...

Y para el dia de hoy busco que se va a tomar, para dejar las cosas ser...
Todavia me pregunto eres tu o yo quien debe sentirse culpable?
Voy tirando, me empuja, me estoy poniendo hacia fuera de mi mente.
... pensé que te habías despedido

Sí, todavía me persigue ... (x3)

Y para el dia de hoy busco que se va a tomar, para dejar las cosas ser...
Todavia me pregunto eres tu o yo quien debe sentirse culpable?
Voy tirando, me empuja, me estoy poniendo hacia fuera de mi mente.
... pensé que te habías despedido

Redesing me

Letra Original

If you were still around,
You'd tell me I'm different, since the last time you called
Me out
I'd put you down, I'd tell you it's a waste of time to keep
You by my side.
If you were still around, I swear, we would sit and stare,
We would be nowhere...

And to this day I look for what it's going to take, to
Just let things be...
Still I wonder is it you or me who should feel guilty...
I'm pulling, I'm pushing, I'm putting it out of my mind.
...thought that I had said goodbye

If you were still around,
You'd tell me that you're sorry, but you don't know what
You're sorry about
I'd keep to myself, keep you guessing, make you question
If it's ever going to work itself out.
If you were still around, I swear, we would sit and stare,
We would be nowhere...

And to this day I look for what it's going to take, to
Just let things be...
Still today I wonder is it you or me who should feel
I'm pulling, I'm pushing, I'm putting it out of my mind.
...thought that I had said goodbye

Yeah, it still haunts me... (x3)

And to this day I look for what it's going to take, to
Just let things be...
And to this day I wonder is it you or me who should
Feel guilty...
I'm pulling, I'm pushing, I'm putting it out of my mind.
...thought that I had said goodbye

Ver más canciones interpretadas por Versaemerge
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